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Plugins are files that can be attached to Portal 2 in order to add console commands and extra functionality.

How to install plugins

Plugins are very easy to install and use. To install, first get yourself the .dll (Windows) or .so (Linux) file of the plugin and place it in ...\steamapps\common\Portal 2\portal2.

Windows Firewall Issues

It's important to note that Windows often doesn't trust downloaded .dll files. There is a chance that downloading plugins will result in Windows Defender or other anti-virus programs automatically deleting the files. If this happens, you will need to manually add exceptions for the file in any directory you keep it in (more than likely the downloads folder and your portal2 folder).

Loading Plugins in Portal 2

Portal 2 can load plugins through the console command plugin_load <name>.


  • Ensure that the plugin is installed in your actual game location. Be sure to check this by browsing local files through the Steam properties of the game.
  • If you use the plugin often, it is recommended you add the plugin_load <name> line to your Autoexec so that you will not need to reload the plugin every time you launch the game.


  • On fresh Windows installs, there can often be dependencies that aren't installed. If all steps have been followed, and the plugin still isn't loading, check your device drivers, and install other applications that are common on Windows machines (can include other games). Try installing these dependencies: