Smooth Jazz

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Map sp a1 intro4.jpg

Smooth Jazz
  • File name sp_a1_intro1
  • Appearance Courtesy Call
  • Native to Challenge Mode Yes
  • World Record 21.66 by Zypeh
  • Least Portals 0 Portals


Smooth Jazz is the last map in The Courtesy Call to be based on the original Portal (Chambers 04-05).

General Route

First Room

Smooth Jazz has minor differences depending on how consistent you want your times to be. The baseline strategy is pretty simple. After your Circle Jump out of the elevator, you want to stop before you hit the door. Hopping under the door, and hitting your head on the door is the fastest way to get out of the chamber, and if done correctly, should keep you from getting stuck on uneven flooring, or the Rounded Floor Button in between you and the cube dropper.

Getting the button from the cube dropper, to the button is different depending on if you want a competitive Challenge Mode time, or a Consistent Single Segment time. Check below based on what strategy you need.

It's important to keep momentum going when getting the cube onto the button. If you're using the portal shot at the bottom method, you can keep hopping while shooting, and if you're tossing the cube, you can be moving towards the door while throwing the cube. Either way, it's fairly easy for the cube to fall off the floor button. So it's important that you press your character model up against the door. This activates a trigger that will open the door for you all the way, even if the cube did not stay on the button.

Second Room

Once you're through the door to the second room, place your portal on one of the walls to the right of you, before entering the main area of the chamber. The trigger to open the orange portal can be activated sooner by moving through the center of the hallway before going through a portal. This can be done by entering on the left side, or hopping slightly to the left before going back into the right portal. Once the orange portal opens, you can walk through to the top of the platform on the far side of the chamber. Shoot your portal under the cube on the opposite platform on the other side of the room, then place a portal near the door to your right.

Pushing the Cube Through the Door (Item Edge Glitch)

Top Right Portal Placement for Item Edge Glitch

The game designers at Valve accounted for the possibility that players would place on cube on a button, and while holding the other cube, stand on the button to open the door. This would open the door, and allow the player to throw the cube into the room, and trap themselves into the chamber. To avoid soft-locking the player, they had the announcer tell they player that they have trapped themselves, and then open to door for the test to continue.

We use this information together with a glitch, where the cube will pass through otherwise solid objects in an effort to make it through a portal, to push our cube through the door, triggering the "You have trapped yourself" dialogue, and allowing us to get into the room quickly, without needing the second cube. All variations of the speedrun route for this chamber use this trick.

There are a few places you can place the portal to get this glitch to work. Some runner place it to the left of the portal, right beside it. Some shoot near the top right, slightly to the left of the x on the wall. The shot to the top right is the most common, and is slightly easier to shoot, so it's recommended for most runners.

Pushing the cube itself through the door is fairly easy once you get a feel for it. There are slower and faster ways to do this. The faster way will be covered in the Challenge Mode section, and the slower way in the single segment section.

Bottom Left Portal Placement for Item Edge Glitch

Once you're through to the door, you want to either keep the portal you've already shot, or shoot a portal as you come in, and walk to then other side of it. This is so that when you come out of the portal, you're moving in the correct direction. If you move to the back side of the room, then re-shoot the portal, you will come out of the orange portal at the top moving away from the exit. Assuming you enter the room quickly, a good indicator on when to start your jump through the floor portal is during the announcers "now" in "You have trapped yourself. Congratulations. The exit door is now open."

Get a feel for the timing, and practice jumping at different angles, with different speeds. You can jump so that your character doesn't trigger the glass to break if you get good speed through the portal. After this, it's a simple matter of hopping to the exit door.

Challenge Mode Specific

General Portal Placement for Challenge Mode

Cube Toss

The fastest way of getting the cube onto the button in the first room is to shoot your blue portal on the top left of the pit. Shooting this early helps, and gives you time to grab the cube from the dropper early into it's drop animation. Once you have the cube, you want to give the cube a relatively light toss through the portal while moving towards the door. Practice doing this, and make sure that you make an effort to keep the cube moving in a single direction. Watching demos or videos from challenge mode runs on the iVerb Challenge Mode Leaderboards is a good way to get a since of how exactly you want to be throwing the cube.

It's important to note that, while this is the faster method, it isn't necessary for a good challenge mode time, and the single segment method can still net you a good time if the rest of your chamber is fast.

Fast Cube Glitch

Template:P2 Wrapper

Single Segment Specific

Consistent Cube Drop

Template:P2 Wrapper

Simple Cube Glitch

Single Segment runner typically stick to coming out of the portal they shoot for the cube glitch, and pressing the cube up against the side of the door the portal is on, to glitch it through the door. They shoot their portal on the floor immediately after the door opens, and hop to the other side before the orange portal opens and they make their jump through it.

This is much easier to do than the quick strategy of flicking, and hoping for the best, but you can do an alternative version of the Challenge mode strategy. You would stay inside the orange portal, not falling down, and spend a bit more time making sure that your cube makes it through the door, before going back through the orange portal, and shooting into the room as soon as the door opens, like in the challenge mode strategy above.

Single Segment Dialogue

There is no ending dialogue you need to pay attention to on this map, enter the elevator as quickly as possible.