Elevator Fade

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Elevator Fade


Elevator Fade (or ele fade for short) is a manipulation of a game mechanics present in departure elevators that make sure the dialogue has ended before changing the level.

How It Works

An elevator moves on a specified track. This track consists of several control points that are at least 200 units apart from each other. When the elevator passes one of these control points, a special flag TransitionReady is checked. If it's set, then the level is changed. Otherwise, the elevator passes the control point and continues riding along the track. The only exception is the last control point of the track - if the elevator reaches it, it forces the level transition.

In most cases, the flag TransitionReady is cleared at the beginning of the level, and then it's set by a function which is executed at the end of certain dialogue, usually the last one in the level.

To sum this part up: in most cases, level transition in departure elevator can happen when:

  1. Elevator passes a control point after the last dialogue has ended.
  2. Elevator reaches last control point.

Elevator Fade In Speedruns

For most levels, the fastest way to exit it is to activate the last dialogue as fast as possible, and then entering an elevator in a way so the dialogue ends right before reaching one of control points. Entering later makes you wait for reaching the control point longer. Entering too early causes the elevator to pass the control point, forcing you to wait for the next one. That's why proper timing is important, and that's the reason why most runners wait before entering the elevator.

Getting fast elevator fade can save about 2 seconds each, meaning that it saves about 1 minute in a full game run if done properly.

Fades In Co-op

TODO: describe this stuff