Portal Reloaded

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Map reloaded 02 2.jpg

Portal Reloaded


Portal Reloaded is a free mod of Portal 2. Its main feature is the addition of a third Portal that allows the player to travel between two timelines. Twenty-five puzzles spread over twelve maps exploit this new mechanic, slowly ramping up the difficulty. TODO: more details, story elements

Mod specific tech

Portal Time Heist (PTH)

PTH is a glitch that can be triggered by going through the time portal and then back exactly 4 ticks later. This causes the linkage of the portals to be reversed: You will be able to place future portals in the past and vice versa.

All the portals in one timeline, by way of PTH

To get rid of this glitch, you can either go through, or shoot a time portal. Note that it does not return the portals to their rightful timeline. It will only reset the linkage ID to the correct one, and the new portals shot will be in the correct timelines.

Most notably, PTH gives the ability to change timelines without using the green portal. For example, by shooting the blue portal in the past, getting PTH to shoot past portals in the future, then sooting orange, you will have linked a portal located in the past to one located in the future.

Current known uses:

  • LP route in chamber 07

Portal Stacking

Portal stacking is a technique that makes it possible to place a regular portal and a time portal in the same location. It is possible to do this on any surface, including on the broken portal surfaces (decal shots).

A time portal and a regular portal "stacked" in the same location

To perform this, you need to shoot a time portal on the desired spot. Then shoot the time portal again, and a regular portal less than 4 ticks after, slightly offset upwards. The two portals should then be stacked.

This trick can have two effects depending on how it is performed:

  • If performed just after loading into a map, the normal portal will fail to stack, and will be placed at 0,0,0 instead. However, its clone area will be present, causing some glitching through the gound and through the wall when trying to get close.
  • Otherwise, the regular portal will simply be placed in the same spot as the time portal.

Portal stacking enables quick travel through a regular portal just after going through a time portal, or the other way around. Current known uses include the TAS route for 18.